Item Coversheet

Staff Summary


Agenda Item # 6.

City of Storm Lake
PO Box 1086
Storm Lake, IA 50588
p (712) 732-8000
f  (712) 732-4114
REPORT TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM:Justin Yarosevich, Assistant City Manager / City Clerk
SUBJECT:Resolution No. 142-R-2014-2015 Approving Plans, Specifications, & Form Of Contract - Fiber Project

Following the Public Hearing the City Council will be asked to approve by resolution the Plans, Specifications, and Form of Contract for this project. 


The proposed project will install a fiber network for the City of Storm Lake, the Storm Lake Community School District and BV County, which will be partners in the project (to be formulated by a 28E Agreement).  The proposed project will contract the laying of a duct system in which fiber will be pulled to critical City, County, and School facilities.  The proposed bid documents show a base project and several phases that can be added based on available funding. 


The goal of the project is to improve water and wastewater SCADA communications, as well as provide all departments with better connectivity to the centralized servers for each organization as well as to provide an opportunity for more secure communications (technical as well as telephonic, and video) between the various locations. 


Over time the investment in this infrastructure will provide reduced costs for internet, phone, and data hardware (such as servers) as we can combine and share resources across the network.  Additionally, the network will provide the opportunity for the three agencies to work together in the future for technology purposes as well as provide all the entities with a continuity of service options throughout the City.


The proposed plans include a base option along with five (5) additional phases which can be added provided funding.  The project does not include the purchase of fiber which will be done by the City separately to ensure quality and avoid markup on the purchase.  The project does not include terminations of the fiber at each facility or the hardware required for that which will be done under a separate contract.


This agenda item will approve the plans, specifications, and form of contract for the project.  A bid letting on the project is set for June 10th at 2:00PM.  Construction after approval should be substantially complete by December 18th, 2015.


The engineer's estimate for this portion of the project is $1,374,335.  Staff does not anticipate being able to do the entire project. 


The budget includes a potential of $1,053,691.20 in available funding for the project; however, some of the network has been previously installed under a previous contract and small project. 


City staff will prepare a full summary of the project expenses once we have the bids for this project in that will accomplish the highest priorities within the available dollars.

RECOMMENDATION:Adopt Resolution No.142-R-2014-2015
Resolution No. 142-R-2014-2015Resolution